How to get Odata Next Link from returned JSON object using angular $ http service

I have applied Odata request syntax for my web api. I can successfully return only the first 10 results and a link for further results. However, I cannot retrieve this link from the JSON object that is returned by the server using my angular interface.

Let's assume the server responds like this:



Now I am showing the data using the $ http success method by assigning the returned data to a variable and using ng-repeat. I assign it like this:

  $ = data.value;


However, when I try to access the following link using:

$ = data.odata.nextLink;


in the success method it gives me an error. What am I missing here? How else can I access the returned link? Is there any other way for server side deployment?


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4 answers

I had the same problem, more or less. I am guessing it has to do with JavaScript objects and their properties. Link



means that there is a property "odata" with a sub-property / field "nextLink". It is not, "odata.nextLink" is the name of the property. I don't know why OData looks like this.

I got the content of this property using a string reference ie



Don't know if there is any drawback, but it seems to work ...



    using Newtonsoft.Json;     
    public string nextPage { get; set; }




I got it to work with





Remember odata values ​​must have @ in front of them. I'm not sure how your implementation handles this character, but it must be a valid prefix.

The problem I'm having is that some providers use the full path and some only use the relative path from the service endpoint.



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