Unable to create directories from the list

I want to create some directories from a list that I have in vars/main.yml


- app_root:
    network_prod:   "/var/www/prod/network/app"
    database_prod:  "/var/www/prod/db/app"


Mine tasks/main.yml

still has the following:

- name: Create application directory structure
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 755
    - app_root


but doesn't work. I thought this could be achieved with with_dict

and I also tried:

- name: Create application directory structure
    path: "{{ item.value }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 755
    - app_root


but I got: fatal: [vagrant.dev] => with_dict expects a dict


I've read all about looping-over-hashes but it doesn't work.

The reason I use this notation is because I am using these variables elsewhere and I need to know how to call them.


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3 answers

I personally find it easier to convert yaml to json to make sure I understand it correctly. Let's take your example:

- app_root:
    network_prod:   "/var/www/prod/network/app"
    database_prod:  "/var/www/prod/db/app"


What you have here is not a list, but a nested dictionary. If you change that to json it looks like this:

    "app_root": {
      "network_prod": "/var/www/prod/network/app",
      "database_prod": "/var/www/prod/db/app"


To iterate over this in Ansible you need to dereference two levels of the dictionary, the first one being app_root

and the second one being the path elements. Unfortunately, I don't think Ansible supports looping through nested dictionaries only through nested loops.

Your best bet is probably to repeat the way you define your paths, so as not to create a complex data structure. If all you are doing in this case is iterating over the list of paths to ensure the directories exist, I would suggest something like this in your file vars/main.yml


network_prod:   "/var/www/prod/network/app"
database_prod:  "/var/www/prod/db/app"

  - network_prod
  - database_prod


Then you might have a task like this:

file: path={{ item }}
with_items: app_root




The vars/main.yml

try to remove the dash app_root


  network_prod:   "/var/www/prod/network/app"
  database_prod:  "/var/www/prod/db/app"




I think the c approach with_dict

was correct, and I believe the only problem here is the dash -

in front of the variable app_root

. Instead:

- name: Create application directory structure
    path: "{{ item.value }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 755
    - app_root


It should be:

- name: Create application directory structure
    path: "{{ item.value }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 755
  with_dict: app_root


See the difference in the way you pass a variable app_root

to with_dict


A dash in YAML starts the list and the items are not treated as variables but as literals, think of it as if you are passing the immutable string "app_root" to with_dict

(not quite right, but it helps me think so) so when_dict

can't parse it because it is assigned a list instead of the expected dictionary. However, without the dash, the with_dict

variable is filled in app_root

instead, and it will parse it without issue.



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