Argument 1 CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage cannot be converted (trying to draw image to canvas)

I am trying to create a cache of objects that can be used with canvas.drawImage () to display images, but only draw them once. I keep getting this error, I tried several answers found on the net like: canvasObject.get(0) and canvasObject[0] and unwrap(canvasObject)

before putting them in draw context, but none of it works. I can't find anything on it. hope someone can help. here is my code:

var canvas = full canvas that cached drawings should draw to
var temp = {};
var h = heightOfGridSquare; 
var w = widthOfGridSquare;

 var canvasElementForCache = document.createElement('canvas');
 canvasElementForCache.width = w * 2; // so that i can draw pictures larger then single grid square
 canvasElementForCache.height = h * 2;
 var cachedCanvas = canvasElementForCache.getContext(ctx);

// cache drawing in app object
var cacheDrawing = function ( name ){
    app.cache[name] = objectRepo[name](cachedCanvas);

var objectRepo = {
    someObjectName: function (canv) {
        var m = temp.coordinates;
        canv.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,200,0.9)";
        canv.fillRect(m.x + 25, m.y + 25,50, 50); // random filler (x and y are coordinates defined in the draw object funciton )
        return canv;

var drawObejectAtCoordinates = function ( x, y ) {
     var px = ( x - ( w / 2 ));
     var py = ( y + ( h / 2 ));
     if ( app.cache[name] === undefined ){
            temp.coordinates = { x:px, y:py };
     // drawing on actual canvas
     canvas.drawImage( app.cache[name], px, py );

var render = function () {
    drawObejectAtCoordinates( coordinateX, coordinateY );

  // this is just a place holder, my actual code is very long and has different rendering methods.. 
  // just know that it is being rendered ( not super important though since the error occurs at drawImage not render ) 


this is mostly accurate, i changed the small parts a bit for brevity .. but there is nothing to do with the problem im. if anyone can help i would really appreciate it!

error message:

TypeError: Argument 1 of CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement.


and when I console log the content of the cached canvas object it looks like this:

CanvasRenderingContext2D { canvas: <canvas>, globalAlpha: 1, globalCompositeOperation: "source-over", strokeStyle: "#41471d", fillStyle: "#ff8800", shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 0, shadowBlur: 0, shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", mozCurrentTransform: Array[6] }


Here is a jsFiddle example:


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1 answer

There are a number of issues here that make this code difficult to execute:

1) Are you reusing a variable in a cachedDrawing

convoluted way (is it an element or a function?)

2) You are using a named variable temp

, which is usually a code smell, especially if you are not using it close to its declaration (not present in the example code). Its also unclear why your jambs are there.

3) You use quite a few descriptive variable names, but in addition to temp, you also use the rather non-descriptor 'obj'

But the answer to your question (linked to 1 above) is that you are passing in the context, not the canvas it was taken from. Don't reassign this var and don't pass it into the cache.

Problems like this are likely to be easier to spot with more descriptive variable names such as cachedCanvas

which is the canvas and cachedCtx

is its context.



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