Fotorama jQuery Gallery with Rails 4.2.0 (Turbolinks issue)
I have a Fotorama jQuery Slider ; however it doesn't work with Turbolinks (and I wouldn't disable Turbolinks).
How can I make this jQuery slider load when the page loaded on it is loaded via Turbolinks?
Q application.js
I have the following code to work with Turbolinks:
var ready;
ready = function() {
// JavaScript to be triggered by Turbolinks/page:load event
$(document).on('page:load', ready);
Is it possible to add a function to this JavaScript section to load the Fotorama slider?
Any ideas / feedback is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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2 answers
I recommend the jQuery-Turbolinks gem. I use it myself. Just add it to Gemfile, package update and you're good to go.
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