Script for configuring continuous deployment for Azure Web App (website)

Using the Azure portal, I have successfully configured Azure Continuous Deployment for the Azure Web App (website) from the GitHub or BitBucket repository.

Is it possible to automate the process using a PowerShell script? I will use a REST endpoint as needed. My search engine for a solution did not lead to anything.


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2 answers

This PowerShell just worked great for my continuous deployment website.

Import-Module azure*
$MyResourceGroup = 'myresourcegroupname'
$MyResourceName = 'myresourcename'
Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $MyResourceGroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites -ResourceName $MyResourceName -Action sync -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force -Verbose


Thanks to this answer: / ...



I'm pretty sure it can be automated using PowerShell. What CI tool are you using?

I am using TeamCity and you can configure it to fetch the sources from github or any other source control systems and then automate the deployment process using PowerShell. Work like a charm for me!



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