JMeter Authentication Toner with Rails Application

I am trying to perform a JMeter post operation in a simle rails application, but I am returning this:

Started POST "/ flights /" for at 2015-05-04 12:40:15 -0700 Processing by FlightController # create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token" => "$ (LOGIN_AUTH_TOKEN)"} Unable to validate CSRF -token Completed 422 Non-process entity in 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

I have implemented a suggestion to create a regex extractor for login authentication as shown below:

Regular Expression Extractor

and here is the http request:

http post request

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance, Slavko


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3 answers

  • Move Regular Expression Extractor

    as a child of the first HTTP request.
  • The regex can be name=authenticity_token type=hidden value=(.*?)"

  • In the next request, login authenticity_token with ${LOGIN_AUTH_TOKEN}

    (not via $ (LOGIN_AUTH_TOKEN))



I think Vinot was right, but it looks like only the request headers were checked. The form field is in the body, so the Regex processor should look there.



I was able to solve this problem by checking the source of my pages and changing my regex accordingly.

I was looking for a source for "authenticity" and this is what it gave:

<meta name="csrf-param" content="authenticity_token" />
<meta name="csrf-token" content="O4YJPTDTmHqxAtgVYLTyDnuo1gwNoDQFznnqwsUyvdMkJscVXx+YMteKkuMVG44E/H6NYCdi/RzbQ8oIly2euA==" />


I changed my regex inside jMeter Regular Expression Extractor to: meta name="csrf-token" content="(.*?)" />

Then I ran my jMeter test and logged into my development app successfully.

I am on Rails 4.2.1 and Ruby 2.2.1p85.



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