Overriding / inheriting CSS link behavior: FF / Chrome gives random results with Wordpress customization

I've added some custom CSS to the Wordpress.com theme to change the formatting of the links. (I'm a newbie, but I tried to research this and found code that looked reasonable.)

Chrome gets about 90% right and FF about 10% right. Is this inevitable and should I revert to the default themes, or is there something I can do differently to make this change work in common browsers?

To be more specific, "border: none" works in both browsers, but the custom color for the link is usually absent in FF - which means that no one but me can tell it the link. Even in Chrome, this is usually the correct color. And the color I set for "active" is not showing at all. In the meantime, changing the block quote is rendering in both browsers.

All I added was this CSS (added in the edit box they provide, which by definition means it at the end of the general CSS for the page, so I have to think).

div.entry-content a:link {
    color: #2C60BA;
    text-decoration: none;
    border: none;

div.entry-content a:active {
    color: #3A93BC;
    text-decoration: none;
    border: none;

blockquote {
    float: none;
    width: 24em;
    margin-left: 2em;


Thanks for any comments.


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2 answers

Have you tried to remove the link: and just:

div.entry-content a {
    color: #2C60BA;
    text-decoration: none;
    border: none;


Also, just in case your theme has overrides for visited links, you can also enable a visit rule to make sure:

div.entry-content a, div.entry-content a:visited{
color: #2C60BA;
text-decoration: none;
border: none;




Bryant gave a key insight into his first answer and my problem after further experimentation is now completely resolved (see points). I'm new to here and don't know how to mark this, but I'm guessing how to do it. Thanks again.



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