How can I inline each loop using JQuery to get specific li elements?

What I am trying to do is go through ul

which are organized like

<ul class="some-ul">
    <li class="some-li"></li>
    <li class="some-li"></li>
<ul class="some-ul">
    <li class="some-li"></li>
<ul class="some-ul">
    <li class="some-li"></li>
    <li class="some-li"></li>    
    <li class="some-li"></li>
    <li class="some-li"></li>


and do something with a li

class some-li

and something else with li

that do not have that class. So it would be equivalent to

$('ul.some-class li.some-class').each(function() {
   // do something

$('ul.some-class li:not(.some-class)').each(function() {
   // do something else


except i want to do it like

$('ul.some-class').each(function() {
     // loop through the list elements of this list 


but I don't know how to build this inner loop. Is this possible, and if so, which tool should I use?


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4 answers

Inside .each


will be the current iteration element. Then you can use $(this).find()

to find elements within it:

$('ul.some-ul').each(function(i, ul) {
    $(ul).find("li").each(function(j, li) {
        // Now you can use $(ul) and $(li) to refer to the list and item
        if ($(li).hasClass('some-li')) {




You can also use hasClass

a CSS selector to get all the immediate children ( <li>


$('ul.some-class > li').each(function() {
     if ($(this).hasClass('some-class')) {
         //Do something
     } else {
         //Do something else




Scroll through all <li>

and use hasClass()

to make sure they match the class you want or not and react accordingly

   // "this" is current li
   if ( $(this).hasClass('some-li') ){
   } else {


One pass and you're done



The callback of each call receives the index and item as arguments.

This way you can

$('ul.some-class').each(function(i, elt) { 
     $(elt, 'li.some-class').each ...



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