Why can't I use `declare -r` inside the fo function to denote a readonly variable while` set -u` is in use?

C GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)


#! /bin/bash
set -u

exec {FD1}>tmp1.txt
declare -r FD1
echo "fd1: $FD1"       # why does this work,

function f1() {
  exec {FD2}>tmp2.txt
  readonly FD2
  echo "fd2: $FD2"     # this work,


function f2() {
  exec {FD3}>tmp3.txt
  echo "fd3: $FD3"     # and even this work,
  declare -r FD3
  echo "fd3: $FD3"     # when this complains: "FD3: unbound variable"?



The goal is to make my file descriptor readonly


source to share

1 answer

I don't think this is a mistake. The operator exec

assigns a value to a parameter FD3

in the global scope, and the operator declare

creates a local parameter that shadows the global one:

When used in a function, `declare 'makes the NAME local, as with the` local' command. The `-g 'option suppresses this behavior.

This is a local parameter undefined. You can see it a little differently:

$ FD3=foo
$ f () { FD3=bar; declare -r FD3=baz; echo $FD3; }
$ f
baz   # The value of the function-local parameter
$ echo $FD3
bar   # The value of the global parameter set in f




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