Is there a default value for the Azure Active Directory token expiration date?

This could be a question about a nob. I am trying to determine the session timeout. The ASP.NET session timeout value is now 20 minutes by default. However, I have a site that uses Azure AD for authentication. Is there a default that the token will expire at? Is it something that is configured or has a given value?

Thanks in advance!


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3 answers

AADs will expire in 1 hour. AAD refresh points expire in approximately 14 days if not in use. Each new refresh token starts the 14-day clock again. This works for a total of 90 days. But after 90 days, the user will need to enter credentials again.

For ADFS, the expiration of the refresh token is even shorter, approximately 24 hours, if the login is not registered on the registered device.



Today, the access token will expire in 1 hour, but there is no guarantee that it will remain the same.

It cannot be configured at this time.



Azure AD APs expire after one hour by default.



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