Unity IoC resolves and introduces a set of classes that implement a common interface

I have several classes that implement the same interface, registered under different names. I want to inject them as a collection into a constructor that unity does not understand.

interface IA{}
interface IB { IEnumerable<IA> As { get; set; } }
class A1 : IA{}
class A2 : IA {}

class B : IB
    public IEnumerable<IA> As { get; set; }
    public B(IEnumerable<IA> ass)
        As = ass;

    public B(IA a)
        var b = 1;


Now I want to insert them

public void ResolveMultiple()
    var container = new UnityContainer();
    container.RegisterType<IA, A1>("A1");
    container.RegisterType<IA, A2>("A2");
    container.RegisterType<IB, B>();

    var b = container.Resolve<IB>();
    var manyAss = container.ResolveAll<IA>();


The last line works, so I got a collection of two classes (A1, A1), but class B is not generated.

Is additional configuration required?


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1 answer

Ok, the solution is to teach unity to work with IEnumerable

_container.RegisterType(typeof(IEnumerable<>), new InjectionFactory((unityContainer, type, name) => unityContainer.ResolveAll(type.GetGenericArguments().Single())));




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