How do I find words that start with a specific letter?
I want to find words that start with a specific letter in a string using the following code. The specific letter will be provided by the user in the text box.
This is what I have:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<input id="srch" type="text" />
<button onClick=searchword()>Search</button>
<p id="wrd" > hallo, this is a test john doe .
Another tea house pole.
function searchword() {
var s = document.getElementById("wrd").innerHTML;
var p= document.getElementById("srch").value;
var regx = new RegExp("(?:^|\W)" + p + "(\w+)(?!\w)","gi");
var re = regx, match, matches = [];
while (match = re.exec(s)) {
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1 answer
You can use word boundaries \b
, the following example shows you how to match every word starting witht
var string ="hallo, this is a test john doe .Another tea house pole. Hey Tom."
result = string.match(/(\bt\S+\b)/ig);
Pedro lobito
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