How to check for correct expression in pretty-config.xml

Next is url mapping in pritty-config.xml here. I want to add regex to url and check my url with correct regex. The next value I need to check = params = {userIds: [147, location_id: 1}

but i get an error while running this code error

Fatal error at line 76 column 55: Template element type must be accompanied by ">" or "/"> "attribute specifications.: Org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 76; columnNumber: 55; Template element type must followed by the ">" or "]" attribute specifications.

<url-mapping id="bookManagement"> 
  <pattern value="/bookManagement/{[params={"userIds":[\d\],"location_id":[\d\]}]+}" /> 



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1 answer

Try using single quotes instead of double quotes for the attribute value


<pattern value='/bookManagement/{[params={"userIds":[\d\],"location_id":[\d\]}]+}' /> 




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