Liquibase Logging Level in Spring Boot

I am using Spring Boot and Liquibase to migrate and refactor my database.

I have some exceptions (mainly database exception) in my revisions from time to time, but Liquibase shares too little information at the log level by default . For example, it doesn't tell me the exact SQL statement it executed, or the CSV file name it was processing when it failed.

Do you know any way to configure Liquibase logLevel on DEBUG, either through Spring Boot or any other non-torturous way?

I tried to install logging.level. * in various combinations, but it didn't work.


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2 answers

This is a limitation of Spring Boot Code that adapts its own logging system, Liquibase, to use Commons Logging. I opened an issue so we can improve the adapter



If you are using log4j I think adding lines like

<Logger name="liquibase" additivity="false" level="debug">
    <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
    <AppenderRef ref="default-file"/>


into your log4j config file should do the trick.



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