Google API quota in Google API puts autocomplete

I am working on an application that I would like to use the Google API to autocomplete . It looks like every Google API has a limited use, 2,500 requests per day, although this specific API is not mentioned on the next page for Google Maps APIs to Work .

My question is:

How do they count requests using this API?

  • One letter = one request
  • One letter = many queries (one for each field in the list)
  • one request = click on the list at the end of the address
  • Perhaps the request is something else, but I didn't find out ...

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1 answer

Post AutoComplete uses the Google Places API, it also uses the Google Places JavaScript Library .

If you check usage restrictions and billing for google host the web service api , you will notice it is at the top.

These restrictions do not apply to the JavaScript Places library, which does not require an API key and is covered by the Google Maps JavaScript API .

If you then click on the Google Maps JavScript API v3 Usage Restrictions and Billing link , you will see it listed.

Most websites and apps can use the Google Maps API for free of charge. However, if you consistently generate large amounts of traffic, there are usage limits and you will need to pay for additional usage. If your site or app generates 25,000 card downloads or more every day for more than 90 days in a row, it's good to contact you to talk about payment. Don't worry if you go overboard, we are used to immediately disable API access or display error messages on your site.

The Google Places API does not load maps. I suspect there is no limit to how much you can use. I suspect this is a public api that has no restrictions. I believe this is true because the Places API does not require an API key if there is no API key. Google doesn't really know who you are. There will be no way to know that you are sending 1 or 10,000 requests to the system and then possibly tracking your IP address. Even if they control your IP address, they will not be able to contact you.



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