Shutting down the JBoss 7 AS with the host controller

I am using JBoss 7.1.1-FINAL AS. It is configured to run in domain mode with default settings. I am using the file to start a server that starts 4 java processes:

  • Host Controller
  • Process controller
  • server-one
  • server-two

To shutdown the server, I call the following command:

./ --connect controller=host:9999 /host=master:shutdown


This leads to the failure of two servers: server and server.

I would like to know how to stop the host controller and the process controller.

Thanks for the help.


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2 answers

The above command is the command to shutdown the server. Apparently, it started recently. I do not know what's the problem. The host controller and the process controller also shut down with this command.



You can try any command. They both work for me by stopping all processes. # 1 is a reduction command to be connected to the controller.

./ --connect /host=master:shutdown
./ --connect controller=localhost:9999 /host=master:shutdown





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