Firebase and angularFire - getting email from google authentication works with $ authWithOAuthPopup but fails $ authWithOAuthRedirect

The following code snippet works, unless the user's browser (iOS with Chrome for example) sends it to the $ authWithOAuthRedirect block - then it doesn't work.

And fail, I mean the $ authWithOAuthRedirect method and the user can approve the authentication, but he cannot submit the scope to Google correctly, and the email is not prompted.

var provider = 'google';
var scope = {scope:'email'};
var auth = $firebaseAuth(FirebaseInstance.firebase);

auth.$authWithOAuthPopup(provider, scope).then(function (authData, error) {
    if (error && error.code === "TRANSPORT UNAVAILABLE") {
         auth.$authWithOAuthRedirect(provider, function(error) {}, scope);


Simplified, this code won't be able to request the user's email:

var provider = 'google';
var scope = {scope:'email'};
var auth = $firebaseAuth(FirebaseInstance.firebase);
auth.$authWithOAuthRedirect(provider, function(error) {}, scope);


Thank you for your help!


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1 answer

I think the problem is you are using the syntax for the angular version: Firebase.authWithOAuthRedirect (provider [, callback, scope])

You must be using AngularFire version: $ firebaseAuth. $ authWithOAuthRedirect (provider [, options])

This version returns a promise, so your simplified code should look like this:

var provider = 'google';
var scope = {scope:'email'};
var auth = $firebaseAuth(FirebaseInstance.firebase);
auth.$authWithOAuthRedirect(provider, scope).then(function (authObject) {
    // Handle success
}, function (error) {
    // Handle error




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