How to match one character plus space with PHP preg_replace

Inside my text, I have this output:

Å apat

I want to search for "Å", note the Å + space. and convert it to 'Š'.

So, basically I want to find this letter with a space and replace it with just one letter without a space.

String replace cannot do this and I am not very good with regex, I tried this but it does not work:

$return = preg_replace('/[Å\s]/', 'Š', $return);


Can anyone help me?

NOTE: This word "apat" should not be at the beginning of a sentence, most of the time it is somewhere in the middle.


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4 answers

$re = "/Å\\s/m";
$str = "Å apat";
$subst = "Š";

$result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str);


This should do it for you. Watch the demo



You seem to be trying to solve a coding problem (and probably just a display problem) with string replacement.

This is not the way!

Let's see what happens:

If you look at your hex view string, you find this hex sequence: C5 A0

But depending on the context, this sequence can be interpreted in two different ways:

C5 A0 = Š (C5A0 in utf8) = Å (C5 in unicode) + NO-BREAK SPACE (A0 in Unicode)

So it seems like the problem is that your string is showing up as a sequence of Unicode codes instead of a utf8 encoded string.

I am guessing that the problem comes from a html page that does not have good coding information. Try adding page encoding information between headers:

  • html5: <meta charset="UTF-8"/>

  • html4: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

Ref: with unicode encoding option and utf8 encoding



This should help you:

$result = preg_replace('/Å /', 'Š', $text);


What your regex [Å\s]

does is:
Match the Å character or any space character and replace it with Š



No regex needed here, use str_replace

$string = "Å apat";
echo str_replace("Å ", "Š", $string);





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