Ruby on rails with JQuery passing from div to div
In one html page I have the first div
<select class="margin-bottom-20" id="event_title" name="event_title" style="width: 150px;">
<option value="" selected><%= "Select a Title"%></option>
<% @all_events_title.each do |t| %>
<option value="<%= t %>"><%= t %></option>
<% end %>
Second div,
@events_all.each do |e|
if e["title"] == **document.getElementById("event_title").value;**
@all_events_by_title << e
how can i get the value event_title
for the second div dynamically?
Thanks in advance!
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1 answer
Create a script tag in the same html to add a div with javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var $divEl = $("<div>");
var eventTitle = document.getElementById("event_title").value;
<% @events_all.each do |e| %>
var title = <%= e["title"] %>;
if (eventTitle = title) {
// not sure what you are trying to do here...
<% @all_events_by_title << e %>
var $spanEl = $("<span>").html(<%= e["sport"] %>);
<% end %>
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