Callback function within the map

I am new to Reactjs and am making a directory viewer app using Cordova and Reactjs.

I am currently getting an error this.props.onClick is not a function

, I figured out there this.props.onClick

is undefined. Check my code below:

var RepositoryList = React.createClass({
    //updating the list from a child folder entry
        console.log("in parent update");
        console.log(this.updateListFromChild); //function()
        var itemsInRepo ={
            console.log("in map: " + this.updateListFromChild); //undefined
            return (
                <RepositoryEntry repositoryItem={entry} 
                                 folderOnClick={this.updateListFromChild} />
        return (
            <ul className="table-view">


The property folderOnClick

is undefined. But I don't know how to solve this problem. Can anyone point this out?


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1 answer

In general, this is a "dynamic problem" in JavaScript .

However, since you are using ReactJS with JSX, your code has support for ES6 arrow functions in the transform:

var itemsInRepo = => (                
   <RepositoryEntry repositoryItem={entry} folderOnClick={this.updateListFromChild} />


See MDN syntax for details .



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