Ember-cli-sass doesn't create .css file

I just installed and created app/styles/app.scss

, but when I start with ember server .css

no file is generated. Is there any other setting I need other than npm install --save-dev ember-cli-sass


I also added this to my Brocfile.js and ran ember build


Edit: I also tried to compile manually by adding this to my Brocfile.js and running ember build


var compileSass = require('broccoli-sass');

var app = new EmberApp();

var sassImportPaths = [

var appCss = compileSass(sassImportPaths, './app/styles/app.scss', './assets/app.css');



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3 answers

You need to install using ember install ember-cli-sass

and after renaming app.css to app.scss app/styles/

and restart the server. Must work.



See if below helps you.

var app = new EmberApp({
  sassOptions: {
     includePaths: [




I had the same problem.

I ran again npm install --save-dev ember-cli-sass

and everything was fine. Everything should work out of the box if you install it and change it app/styles/app.css

to app/styles/app.scss




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