Equivalent to "make install" in the Java world

TL; DR : Is there a standard way in the Java world for build tools to install newly created executables (like the make install

C world)?

(I would be happy with a solution that will only work on Linux)

More details :

I have a Java project redistributable via github. Compilation and dependencies are managed with maven 2. Running mvn package

creates a tarball with my jar and dependencies needed at runtime, plus an executable script that sets the classpath and starts the main jar:

cpBase="$(dirname "$0")"
java -cp "$cpBase/*" dw.cli.Program $@


So, if anyone wants to install this on their computer, one needs to:

  • run mvn package

  • and then unpack the tarball and copy the contents to the directory on PATH


On the other hand, I like the way autotools work: the user doesn't have to manually copy anything because the build step make install

handles the installation for it.

I could emulate this behavior using cp

ant tasks in mine pom.xml

, but I'm more interested in learning Java best practices than providing custom behavior.

It seems, the maven does not provide for such behavior . On the other hand, I am completely unaware of what another Java build tool can do.


As far as I understand, mvn install

and mvn deploy

do not match my need because they will install my jar in my local or remote repository. Whereas I want to install my executables to mine PATH

(ex: set my wrapper script to /usr/local/bin



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4 answers

You can create a distribution archive (zip, tar.gz) that can be downloaded by the user and is only needed to unpack and add the bin folder to the path.

The problem is that you cannot automatically improve the path environment variable. But if you are using the generated scripts from the appassembler-maven-plugin, you can just directly call the generated scripts without incrementing your path. This works with both Linux and windows.

This can be achieved by a combination of appassembler-maven-plugin and maven-assembly-plugin .

The appassembler-maven plugin will create the corresponding / bat / cmd shell files for you, and the maven-assembly-plugin can create the corresponding archives (tar.gz, zip) for you.

You can look here as an example:




The question is marked as "gradle", so I'll answer with Gradle.

I believe you are building an application, not a library. In this case, Gradle thoughtfully supplies the plugin application


apply plugin: 'application'


The plugin gives you the problem run

, distZip

, distTar

and installDist

who do exactly what they sound like. Check the documentation at the official website .

Note that the installDist task by default does not place software anywhere centrally on the system. Rather, it will be installed in a subdirectory build

where temporary files are stored. You can set a property destinationDir

on the task to fix this.



"make install" works by copying your built-in artifacts to the target location. This behavior is fairly easy to emulate in ANT, because, like doing it, you can specify your own build logic:

<target name="install" description="Copy binaries into install location">
  <mkdir dir="/opt/myapp/bin"/>
  <copy file="${dist.dir}/myproject.jar" todir="/opt/myapp/bin"/>
  <copy file="${dist.dir}/myproject.sh" todir="/opt/myapp/bin"/>
  <chown owner="${install.owner}">
    <fileset dir="/opt/myapp" include="**/*"/>


Of course, you need to run this target as root:

ant build
sudo ant install


Maven, on the other hand, is a highly reliable build tool that doesn't support such a workflow. What for? This is indeed a deployment action. You can of course customize your Maven setup with the ant ANT plugin, but I would suggest just running a shell script after that. The lot is easier to understand:

mvn install
sudo install_myapp.sh


The script can select the built-in jar from the local Maven repository "$ HOME / .m2 / repository" or better yet download it from the Maven repository!



You have other mvn targets like "mvn deploy" and "mvn install" that do what you want.



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