How to achieve the "Send by Email" functionality in the "Quotes" and "Customer Order" module in ODOO?

I am developing an ODOO app on iOS. I want to achieve the "Email" functionality in the "Quotes" and "Customer Order" module in ODOO.

So, is there any API to achieve this functionality?

Or will I generate the PDF programmatically in iOS and send this using the MFMailComposeViewController class?



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1 answer

Your best bet is to use the Odoo function. The button calls the sell model method. You can define the name of the method if you enable developer mode:

Send by Email button

Method action_quotation_send

, and it is available in the external API the same way as write


Unfortunately, this particular method opens a wizard: it just prepares some data and then returns an action to the web client to open the wizard dialog and the actual operation will only be done there with the Submit button.

To have a fully automated procedure that can be used with a single API call, you need to implement your method. There the website_sale

official module does something similar , so I recommend looking at how to extract the appropriate code for your use case.



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