How does -Infinity work?

    turkeycheck = Math.max.apply(null, STACKOVERFLOW);
         // See Below



Also can be seen here:

Curious why it (!turkey)

doesn't get hit, but using turkeycheck.length

shows it undefined? If it's undefined doesn't mean it's false?

Also, if it turkey

is console logging -Infinity

, shouldn't the length turkeycheck

become 11?

I'm just confused as to why the parameter turkey

is set to -Infinity, but then it becomes undefined



source to share

1 answer


- numeric value. Numeric values ​​have no property .length

, so trying to read from it will return undefined

. The value stored in your variable turkeycheck

remains unchanged, and if you try to write its value after trying to register its length, you will still be shown the value -Infinity


var n = 1;
console.log(n.length); // undefined
console.log(n);        // 1




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