Reading XML with PIG

I am trying to read data from xml file using PIG, but I am getting incomplete output.

Input file

<review>good site</review>
<review>This is Avg site</review>
<review>Bad site</review>


and the code i am using:

register 'Desktop/piggybank-0.11.0.jar';
A = load 'input3' using'document') as (data:chararray);

 B = foreach A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL(data,'(?s)<document>.*?<url>([^>]*?)</url>.*?<category>([^>]*?)</category>.*?<usercount>([^>]*?)</usercount>.*?<reviews>.*?<review>\\s*([^>]*?)\\s*</review>.*?</reviews>.*?</document>')) as (url:chararray,catergory:chararray,usercount:int,review:chararray);


And I get the output:

(htp://,Sports,120,good site)


which is an incomplete output. Someone please help me on what I am missing?


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1 answer

Yes!! Finally, it worked with help cross

. I am using XPath

, you can use regex if you like. I find the XPath way to be simpler and cleaner than regex. I think you can see it too. Don't forget to replace testXML.xml

with your XML.

XPath path:

DEFINE XPath org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.xml.XPath();
A = LOAD 'testXML.xml' using'document') as (x:chararray);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE XPath(x, 'document/url'), XPath(x, 'document/category'), XPath(x, 'document/usercount');
C = LOAD 'testXML.xml' using'review') as (review:chararray);
D = FOREACH C GENERATE XPath(review,'review');
E = cross B,D;
dump E;


Regular expression path:

A = LOAD 'testXML.xml' using'document') as (x:chararray);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL(x,'(?s)<document>.*?<url>([^>]*?)</url>.*?<category>([^>]*?)</category>.*?<usercount>([^>]*?)</usercount>.*?</document>')) as (url:chararray,catergory:chararray,usercount:int);
C = LOAD 'testXML.xml' using'review') as (review:chararray);
D = FOREACH C GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL(review,'<review>([^>]*?)</review>'));
E = cross B,D;
dump E;



(htp://,Sports,120,Bad site)
(htp://,Sports,120,This is Avg site)
(htp://,Sports,120,good site)


Didn't you expect this?;)



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