Amazon IAP v2.0 not responding to Android live testing

I have implemented Amazon IAP v2.0 in my Android app, when I run the app, I will register the PurchasingService program and call



And everything works while running in Amazon App Tester, but when I use Amazon Live Testing PurchasingService, no response is given (callbacks are not called :) onUserDataResponse(), onPurchaseUpdatesResponse()

. Also I used the entire spec for Proguard and registered the ResponseReceiver in the manifest. All implementation was done with amazon tutorial . In the logs I saw something like

D/AmazonBillingHelper﹕ checking isSubscriptionActive
D/AmazonBillingHelper﹕ currentSubscription is null


But I have not implemented AmazonBillingHelper

EDITED: Also in the magazine I found that there are some default listeners who ovveride me, is this ok?

 D/Kiwi﹕ In App Purchasing SDK - Production Mode: d: PurchasingListener registered:
 D/Kiwi﹕ In App Purchasing SDK - Production Mode: d: PurchasingListener registered:


Revision: Since I researched this

from Amazon App Tester removed it but it doesn't work anyway

EDIT: It is possible that it is related to the multidex build. The main dex should contain:

Custom, Applications, Actions, Services, Receivers, Providers, Tools, Annotations

with amazon here and a troubleshooting method on StackOverflow question.


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1 answer

Apparently Amazon App Test doesn't fully fill the requirements from real-time testing. Because, as a rule, if you call any request from onCreate()

during testing in Sandbox, you will get a response. When testing in real time, you must initialize the listener in onCrate (), but call any methods from onResume()




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