Setting default value in NSUserDefaults ios8 using swift

How to enable google toggle?

Also I read that if the user launches the app for the first time, the default will not be used. How can I check this?

In a set of settings

In settings bundle

In application settings

In settings app

In AppDelegate

let defaults:NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults();
let showEnabledString:Bool = defaults.boolForKey("enabled_string");
println(showEnabledString); // true

 let appDefaults: NSDictionary = NSDictionary(object: "YES", forKey: "enabled_string");


// This code also does not change the appearance in the settings app

NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().registerDefaults(appDefaults as [NSObject : AnyObject]);



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1 answer

if NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("enabled_string") as? Bool != true {
   yourSwitchName.setOn(false, animated: false)
   yourSwitchName.setOn(true, animated: false)


Place the above in viewDidLoad

or viewDidAppear

. This is how I set my switches at least.



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