How can I remove corrupted remote branches / tags in git?

I don't know how this happened, but somehow our remote repo has branches and tags named as shown when I run the command git ls-remote




And I cannot delete them in the usual way:

git push origin :refs/heads/abc^{} 
fatal: remote part of refspec is not a valid name in :refs/heads/abc^{}


How do I remove these corrupted remote branches?


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1 answer

This is not a branch, this is the result of a bad branch:

server$ echo echo 2e79bc84c11eda5d73add5a9dfc6bf03c50c432d > refs/heads/oogly


In this case, the selected SHA-1 I was the annotated tag tag. You cannot get "git branch" or "git checkout" to point to a tag, they are always cleared from the commit, but you can get a non-git -aware tool (for example, echo

in this case) to make a split branch.

Then on the client:

client$ git ls-remote
d1574b852963482d4b482992ad6343691082412f    refs/heads/master
2e79bc84c11eda5d73add5a9dfc6bf03c50c432d    refs/heads/oogly
676699a0e0cdfd97521f3524c763222f1c30a094    refs/heads/oogly^{}


Removing the actual branch ( oogly

in this case abc

, yours) on the server will cause the "stripped tag" to disappear on the client as well. Note, if you want to keep a tag, you must point the tag to it if it doesn't already exist.

How it was created on the server I don't know.

Note that this is perfectly fine for (annotated) tags: the server provides both the tag and its SHA-1 and SHA-1 of the underlying object it points to. The syntax is described in gitrevisions :

   <rev>^{}, e.g. v0.99.8^{}
       A suffix ^ followed by an empty brace pair means the object could
       be a tag, and dereference the tag recursively until a non-tag
       object is found.




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