Can't Configure VIM for Dvorak Keyboard Layout

Can anyone help me set up Dvorak keymap for VIM? I want to customize my Dvorak layout to work in VIM, but I want to leave the QWERTY keys in nav / visual mode. (hjkl for navigation, etc.). I tried to add a .vimrc file to my HOME folder and write a keyboard from :

set langmap='q,\\,w,.e,pr,yt,fy,gu,ci,ro,lp,/[,=],aa,os,ed,uf,ig,dh,hj,tk,nl,s\\;,-',\\;z,qx,jc,kv,xb,bn,mm,w\\,,v.,z/,[-,]=,\"Q,<W,>E,PR,YT,FY,GU,CI,RO,LP,?{,+},AA,OS,ED,UF,IG,DH,HJ,TK,NL,S:,_\",:Z,QX,JC,KV,XB,BN,MM,W<,V>,Z?


but navigation doesn't work.
Any ideas?
OS: Mac OS Yosemite


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2 answers

To be honest, I tried a ton of things and finally decided to just go without any changes. I trained myself to think of shortcuts as their letters are not their position on the keyboard ... So "j" is not the location of the "j" key on the qwerty keyboard, but the actual letter "j" in the courtyard, i.e. 'c'. It works really well for me and I can relate to the type without thinking about key positions, but rather in emails - without changing the mental context.

PS: I only do this for VIM. For other tools, I use the Dvorak-to-Qwerty remapper. Hope this helps.



You can map the navigation keys normally. For example, if I want to move the "hjkl" keys to "qwer", I can write this in the .vimrc file:

nmap q h
nmap w j
nmap e k
nmap r l


This is probably not the solution you are looking for, but I think it might be a valid workaround



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