R package check - error "no such vignette"

I'm using devtools in R to develop an R package, following Hadley Wickham's excellent site. Now I have come to the check step using devtools :: check (). I was getting tested before "checking R code from vignette" when I get the following error:

'smcfcs-vignette.Rmd' using 'UTF-8' ... failed
Errors in running code in vignettes:
when running code in 'smcfcs-vignette.Rmd'

  When running vignette 'smcfcs-vignette.Rmd':
Error: No such vignette 'smcfcs-vignette.Rmd'
Execution halted

Error: Command failed (1)


I wrote a vignette called smcfcs-vignette.Rmd and is stored in the vignette subfolder and which I developed with Markdown and Knitr. If I click Knit in RStudio, the vignette compiles and displays successfully, but I get the above error when I run devtools :: check (). I tried deleting everything but the first paragraph of text in the vignette and the error still happens. So I don't think it has anything to do with the content of the vignette file. Most likely devtools :: check () is looking in the wrong folder for the vignette.

If anyone can shed some light on the source of my error, I would be very grateful. If that helps, the package is on Github: https://github.com/jwb133/smcfcs

Many thanks.


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1 answer


and in this case devtools::check()

on extensions, don't build things, they just check them. It is true that there devtools::check

is an argument document

to re-roseize your package before checking, but it does not concern vignettes. So, first you need to create your vignettes. It's easy to do with devtools::build_vignettes()




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