Powershell search strings in file by arguments
I have a file with multiple words. I would like to get only those words that contain letters that I passed as arguments to the program.
For example: test.txt
./select.ps1 test.txt oer
The result should look like this:
I wrote this:
foreach ( $line in $args[0] ) {
Get-Content $line | Select-String -Pattern $args[1] | Select-String -Pattern $args[2] | Select-String $args[3]
But what if I want to use, for example, 10 parameters and don't want to change my code all the time? How should I do it?
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You need two loops: one to process each line of the input file and the other to process the current line for each filter character.
$file = 'C:\path\to\your.txt' foreach ($line in (Get-Content $file)) { foreach ($char in $args) { $line = $line | ? { $_ -like "*$char*" } } $line }
Note that this requires additional work if you want to combine expressions more complex than just one character at a time.
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Suggesting something different, just for fun:
$Items = "apple", "car", "computer", "tree"
Function Find-ItemsWithChar ($Items, $Char) {
ForEach ($Item in $Items) {
$Char[-1..-10] | % { If ($Item -notmatch $_) { Continue } }
} #End Function Find-ItemsWithChar
Find-ItemsWithChar $Items "oer"
You want to load the $ Items variable with the file:
$Items = Get-Content $file
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I would look at this and this ,
I also wanted to point out:
able to search for more than one element with more than one pattern at a time. You can use this to your advantage by storing the letters you want to map to the variable and validate them all with one line.
$match = 'a','b','c','d','e','f'
Select-String -path test.txt -Pattern $match -SimpleMatch
This will return the output, for example:
To get only words that match:
Select-String -Path test.txt -Pattern $match -SimpleMatch | Select -ExpandProperty Line
(Select-String -Path test.txt -Pattern $match -SimpleMatch).Line
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