Format the phone number as a custom type using pure JavaScript

I have an input field in the body of my document and I need to format it by the user type. It should have parentheses around the area code and a dash between three and four digits after that.

Example: (123) 456 - 7890

As a custom type, it should look something like this:



(123) 456

(123) 456 - 78

(123) 456 - 7890


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5 answers

New ES6 answer

You can still do this using plain JavaScript.


<input id="phoneNumber" maxlength="16"/>

JavaScript (ES6)

const isNumericInput = (event) => {
    const key = event.keyCode;
    return ((key >= 48 && key <= 57) || // Allow number line
        (key >= 96 && key <= 105) // Allow number pad

const isModifierKey = (event) => {
    const key = event.keyCode;
    return (event.shiftKey === true || key === 35 || key === 36) || // Allow Shift, Home, End
        (key === 8 || key === 9 || key === 13 || key === 46) || // Allow Backspace, Tab, Enter, Delete
        (key > 36 && key < 41) || // Allow left, up, right, down
            // Allow Ctrl/Command + A,C,V,X,Z
            (event.ctrlKey === true || event.metaKey === true) &&
            (key === 65 || key === 67 || key === 86 || key === 88 || key === 90)

const enforceFormat = (event) => {
    // Input must be of a valid number format or a modifier key, and not longer than ten digits
    if(!isNumericInput(event) && !isModifierKey(event)){

const formatToPhone = (event) => {
    if(isModifierKey(event)) {return;}

    // I am lazy and don't like to type things more than once
    const target =;
    const input = target.value.replace(/\D/g,'').substring(0,10); // First ten digits of input only
    const zip = input.substring(0,3);
    const middle = input.substring(3,6);
    const last = input.substring(6,10);

    if(input.length > 6){target.value = '(${zip}) ${middle} - ${last}';}
    else if(input.length > 3){target.value = '(${zip}) ${middle}';}
    else if(input.length > 0){target.value = '(${zip}';}

const inputElement = document.getElementById('phoneNumber');


And if you want to mess around with this:

It's worth noting that it is a little weird if you are trying to change the midpoint of a number due to the way browsers handle carat placement after setting the value of an element. The solution to this problem is doable, but it would take more time than I have now, and there are libraries that handle this kind of thing.

Old ES5 Answer

You can do this with a quick JavaScript function.

If your HTML looks like this:
<input type="text" id="phoneNumber"/>

Your JavaScript function could simply be:

// A function to format text to look like a phone number
function phoneFormat(input){
        // Strip all characters from the input except digits
        input = input.replace(/\D/g,'');

        // Trim the remaining input to ten characters, to preserve phone number format
        input = input.substring(0,10);

        // Based upon the length of the string, we add formatting as necessary
        var size = input.length;
        if(size == 0){
                input = input;
        }else if(size < 4){
                input = '('+input;
        }else if(size < 7){
                input = '('+input.substring(0,3)+') '+input.substring(3,6);
                input = '('+input.substring(0,3)+') '+input.substring(3,6)+' - '+input.substring(6,10);
        return input; 


Of course, you need an event listener:

        var phoneNumber = document.getElementById('phoneNumber');
        var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
        phoneNumber.value = phoneFormat(phoneNumber.value);


And if you can't store phone numbers as formatted strings (I don't recommend that), you should strip the non-numeric characters before sending the value something like this:

If you want to see this in action with bonus input filtering check out this fiddle:



Previously, the answers did not take into account what happens when the user makes a mistake and deletes some of the numbers entered.

For those looking for a jQuery solution, it reformats on every keyup event and removes extra characters and spaces when the user edits the number.

    var ph = this.value.replace(/\D/g,'').substring(0,10);
    // Backspace and Delete keys
    var deleteKey = (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46);
    var len = ph.length;
    }else if(len<3){
    }else if(len==3){
        ph = '('+ph + (deleteKey ? '' : ') ');
    }else if(len<6){
        ph='('+ph.substring(0,3)+') '+ph.substring(3,6);
    }else if(len==6){
        ph='('+ph.substring(0,3)+') '+ph.substring(3,6)+ (deleteKey ? '' : '-');
        ph='('+ph.substring(0,3)+') '+ph.substring(3,6)+'-'+ph.substring(6,10);
    this.value = ph;




I'm not a fan of slicing. My advice would be to use .replace (), pass a regex to it, grab the phone number snippets and then output it however you need it. If you can read the regex, this is a much better programmatic way to approach the problem, and it's dead just to change the format.

var phoneNumber = "1234567899";

var formatted = phoneNumber.replace(/(\d{1,2})(\d{1})?(\d{1,3})?(\d{1,4})?/, function(_, p1, p2, p3, p4){
  let output = ""
  if (p1) output = `(${p1}`;
  if (p2) output += `${p2})`;
  if (p3) output += ` ${p3}`
  if (p4) output += ` ${p4}`
  return output;


Note. I haven't added any spaces, but not numbers, but you can add that as well.



To add some extra lightness to the user, I would actually update the line to automatically include ")" or "-" when the user reaches certain characters so that they don't add, say, two dashes. (555) 555-5555

if(size === 0) {
    input = input;
else if (size === 3) {
    input = '('+input.substring(0,3)+') '
else if (size < 4) {
    input = '('+input;
else if (size === 6) {
    input = '('+input.substring(0,3)+') '+input.substring(3,6)+' -';
else if (size > 6) {
    input = '('+input.substring(0,3)+') '+input.substring(3,6)+' - '+input.substring(6,10);
return input




let telEl = document.querySelector('#phoneNum')

telEl.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
  let val =; = val
    .replace(/\D/g, '')
    .replace(/(\d{1,4})(\d{1,3})?(\d{1,3})?/g, function(txt, f, s, t) {
      if (t) {
        return '(${f}) ${s}-${t}'
      } else if (s) {
        return '(${f}) ${s}'
      } else if (f) {
        return '(${f})'

Phone Number: <input type="text" id="phoneNum" maxlength="14" />

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