How to name symbols for blind programmers

How can I name the characters I write so that they are read correctly by screen devices so they don't create a barrier for blind programmers? By "symbols" I mean things like variables and function names.

For example, if I write the name of a variable as companyId

, will it be read correctly? Or write it as companyId

it would be better?

The opinion of the answers between corpus styles is not what I want. I just need a technical point of view if I have to type HTTP

over HTTP

or Id

over Id

to help readers read them correctly.


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1 answer

I am a blind programmer. Almost all screen readers do special MixedCapsProcessing. That is, each capital letter will be declared as a new word.

One of the problems I run into with naming names is that it can be tricky to spot two similar sound variables, especially if the only difference is towards the end (when tired, my brain does pattern recognition!). For example, numLinesInFile1 / numLinesInFile2.

A related observation is that the character is often referred to as "underline", which is 3 words. This makes it less efficient IMHO for working with codes where underlines_are_used. Some blind programmers rename "underline" to "line", but I find this confusing.

This is just one developer's opinion - other blind developers may have other ideas.



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