Is it possible to write two template functions as one when the only difference is the argument constant?

I have something like:

template <class Foob, class T>
void do_it(Foob& f, T& t) { f.proc(t); }

template <class Foob, class T>
void do_it(Foob& f, const T& t) { f.proc(t); }


Some Foob

accept const T&

, while others Foob

only accept T&

s, or the same one Foob

may even have two proc

s, one for the case const

, one for the non- const

case, which does different things.

However, the code is do_it

the same: it's simple f.proc(t)

. Sometimes the code is many lines, but still identical. Is there a way to write do_it

as one function? Something like this, although it clearly wouldn't work:

template <class Foob, class MaybeConst, class T>
void do_it(Foob& f, MaybeConst T& t) { f.proc(t); }



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1 answer

Actually, if the argument is t

always lvalue, then you only need the first overload! If the lvalue is of type const U

, then the template parameter t

is inferred as const U

, and the type of the second instance of the second function will be const U&

, which will be bound to the lvalue constant just fine.

The second overload is only needed if the argument is an rvalue. But instead of making it a special case, why not just use perfect forwarding?

// works for both lvalues and rvalues with any cv-qualification
template <class Foob, class T>
void do_it(Foob& f, T&& t) { f.proc(std::forward<T>(t)); }




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