Is there an English thesaurus resource that I can access using Perl?

I would like to use Perl to search through a standalone thesaurus. I don't know if this is possible, or what is the mechanics of achieving this maybe

I would like to be able

  • Download the thesaurus by car

  • Write a Perl program that looks at the loaded thesaurus and returns the minimal result.

for example

Synoynms for: wiggle
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
wave   waggle   wag   twitch
twist  squirm   shimmy
jiggle jerk


I noticed that there Biblio::Thesaurus

, which seems promising, but I completely lost how this module would be used, if only a universal (or at least popular) thesaurus for English in ISO format, freely available for download anywhere

I think I'm looking for

  • Thesaurus for English in ISO format

  • A way to navigate this data using Perl


source to share

1 answer

For better or worse, the solution I'm working with is ...

1) Downloaded The Moby Thesaurus. The data there is simple ...

i.e. root word,synonym 1, synonym 2, synonym 3, etc.
e.g. hamburger, BLT, Dogwood sandwich, cheeseburger, etc.


2) Usual Perl, which does not have a special module, is used to parse and re-search the data - after it is loaded into memory.

  • G


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