Php simple html dom remove div with specific class

I am using the code below to get some content. My problem is that I don't know how to avoid / bypass / remove a specific div.

html Structure:

<div class="post-single-content box mark-links">
<div class="sharebar-wrap">dfdfdfd</div>


And I am using the following code to get the content:

foreach($html->find('div[class=post-single-content box mark-links]') as $table)
$arr44[]=  $table->innertext ;


How can I avoid or remove or work around to grab a div using the sharebar-wrap class? I do not need it!



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2 answers

You can actually use jQuery like Héctor E mentioned, otherwise you can use raw javascript:





With javascript:

var aux = document.getElementByClass('sharebar-wrap');


With jQuery:  $( ".sharebar-wrap" ).remove()



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