Angular js project not working

I am working on a small project with angular js (ps: this is the first time i use it) and i am blocked by this error and i dont understand why

angular.module("jsonerator", [])
.controller('theController', function ($scope) {

    $scope.personld = {
        "@context": {
            "schema": ""
        "@graph": [
                "@id": "person",
                "@type": "schema:Person",

    $scope.personld["@graph"][0]["schema:givenName"] = "";
    $scope.personld["@graph"][1]["schema:familyName"] = "";



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2 answers

To fix the error, you need to add another object to your @graph array and it should work. Then it will be determined ["@graph"][1]

. The problem was that you only had one element in your array.

"@graph": [ 
   { "@id": "person", "@type": "schema:Person" }, 




Your array @graph

is only 1 element long, so it $scope.personld["@graph"][1]

doesn't exist and the command $scope.personld["@graph"][1]["schema:familyName"] = "";

throws an error.



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