Ng - if not hide element when observable turns to false

I am trying to hide an element based on screen width and test variable. I am running into an edge case where the ng-if directive is not hiding an element despite being false. Here are the relevant code snippets. The console log says my item should be visible, however it is not showing.

$scope.setContents = function(contents) {

$scope.checkWindowSize = function() {
    if ( $(window).innerWidth() < 768 ) {
      $scope.smallScreen = true;
      console.log("Window size is small");
    else {
      $scope.smallScreen = false;
      console.log("Window size is not small");

$scope.hideNoteList = function () {
    if($scope.smallScreen && $scope.noteVisible){
      $scope.noteListVisible= false;
      console.log("Note List Should be Hiding");
    else {
      console.log("Note List Should be Visible");
      $scope.noteListVisible= true;




<ul class="list-group col-xs-0 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3" ng-if="noteListVisible">
<li ng-repeat="note in notes>
  <h2 ng-click="setContents(note.content)"></h2>



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1 answer

Your problem is that jQuery events are fired outside of the Angular digest loop, so you need to call it $scope.$apply



function jqCheckWindowSize() {


Or in poweruser mode with two lines:

$(window).load  ($scope.$apply.bind($scope, $scope.checkWindowSize));
$(window).resize($scope.$apply.bind($scope, $scope.checkWindowSize));


Alternatively, you can call $scope.$apply

directly in, checkWindowSize

or wrap the code with $timeout

, etc. Many of the answers here already cover this.



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