Get value from AnyObject Response Swift

How to get id, content, name values ​​from server response. The answer is from the server as AnyObject and if I type it looks like the one below ...

 content = xxxx
 id = 22
 name = yyyy


Thanks in advance.


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1 answer


can be omitted in other class types, so many possibilities!

//if you're confident that responseObject will definitely be of this dictionary type
let name = (responseObject as! [String : AnyObject])["name"] 

//optional dictionary type
let name = (responseObject as? [String : AnyObject])?["name"] 

//or unwrapping, name will be inferred as AnyObject
if let myDictionary = responseObject as? [String : AnyObject] {
    let name = myDictionary["name"]

//or unwrapping, name will be inferred as String
if let myDictionary = responseObject as? [String : String] {
    let name = myDictionary["name"]


Check the link . There's even a section onAnyObject



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