How do I split getActionCommand () to get the first item in the line?

There are groups in my program JRadioButton


public class SalePanel extends JPanel  implements View { 
    private JTextField sell = new JTextField(5);
    private ButtonGroup buttons = new ButtonGroup();
    private Stadium stadium;


I've added buttons here:

private void build(Stadium stadium){


This is how I create the button:

private Box buttonBox(Stadium stadium)
{   Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
    SaleListener listener = new SaleListener();
    for (Group group: stadium.groups()) {
        box.add(button(group, listener));

    return box;

private JRadioButton button(Group group, SaleListener listener){
    JRadioButton button  = new JRadioButton();
    button.add(new JLabel( + " @ $"+ formatted(group.price())));
    return button;  


The button label is located here: button.add(new JLabel(

<--- it is a label that is in another class and has a name like "Front", "Middle" or whatever.

Now my task is:

  • To get the label of a radio button from an event (I use getActionCommand()

    to get the label)
  • Get the group name from the label (I need to split the string by space and get the first string in the returned array).
  • Find a group by name: Find a group with a name

So , I do it like this:

private class SaleListener implements ActionListener { 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 

        String[] words = e.getActionCommand().split(" ");
        String groupName  = words[0];
        for (Group group: stadium.groups()) {
            if (group.matches(groupName)){


Unfortunately it doesn't work and I can't find where the error is. Could you give me any advice on this task? What am I doing wrong?

ps this line of code String[] words = e.getActionCommand().split(" ");

doesn't do what i want. I tried System.out.println(words[0])

and it is empty but there should be a group name :(


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1 answer


button.add(new JLabel( + " @ $"+ formatted(group.price())));


It doesn't make sense. You must use ...

button.setText( + " @ $"+ formatted(group.price()));





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