Azure continuous webjob (blob) only fires once

I have an Azure website that has several built in blob functionality. I uploaded this to Azure using the Add Job dialog in the portal and set it to Run Continuously. It was assumed that each time a blob was added / changed to the containers specified in the blob trigger, the corresponding function was called. However, this does not happen.

The only way to start the functions (after the blobs have loaded) is to Stop the web and restart again.

Every time I restart the job, the function seems to fire and fire only once . Any subsequent blob updates don't seem to trigger them again.

On the portal, however, the WebJob shows as "Launch", however no functionality is triggered after the first launch.

The main function of this web work is as follows:

static void Main()
    var host = new JobHost();                


What could be the problem? Trigger functions are standard blob fired functions and are working for the first time - so I don't share with this code yet.

UPDATE The function signature looks like this:

public static void UpdateData([BlobTrigger("inputcontainer/{env}-update-{name}")] Stream input, string name, string env, TextWriter logger)

public static void DeleteData([BlobTrigger("inputcontainer/{env}-delete-{name}")] Stream input, string name, string env, TextWriter logger)



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1 answer

Due to the way blob triggers are implemented, it can take up to 10 minutes to call the function.

If the function does not start even after 10 minutes, please share the function signature and the names of the droplets to be loaded with us.



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