Graph coloring algorithm - Assign color

I have a function in a graph coloring algorithm that assigns a color to a series of courses. But it picks at random and I would like to improve the algorithm and assign a color more efficiently than picking it at random based on the available colors.

In this function N

, it is the number of time schedules.

void create_schedule(int **graph, list *courses, int numcourses){
    int i, j, k, col=0;
    for(i=0; i<numcourses; i++){
        for(j=0; j<N; j++){
            for(k=0; k<i; k++){
                if(graph[i][k] > 0 && courses[k].color == j) break;
            //color j was not yet chosen by adjacent nodes
            if(k >= i){
                courses[i].color = j;
        //if there is no color available, choose randomly
        if(j >= N){
            col = rand()%N;
            courses[i].color = col;


The explanation will be great.


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1 answer

First, let him pose a problem canColor(graph, k)

- it will answer true if and only if you can color the graph on the graph using k colors.

Pseudocode for canColor


canColor(graph, k):
   if graph is completely colored:
        return checkIfColoringValid(graph)
   v = first uncolored vertex
   for each i from 1 to k (inclusive)
       color v with color i
       //can add optimization here to trim upfront unsuccesful results
       res = canColor(graph,k)
       if res == true:
           return true
   //no answer found
   uncolor v (mark it as color[v] = 0)
   return false


The above problem of the graph coloring problem.

Now we need to use it to find the optimal coloration.
Note that if canColor (graph, k) == true, then also canColor (graph, k + 1) == true

This means that you have a metaphorical array of answers, 0,0,..0,1,1,...,1

when there is a solution for some k

, all meanings k

after it also has a solution. This metaphorical array is sorted, so you can do a binary search on it (where instead of accessing the array, you calculate the answer for each time canColor(graph,k)

) to get the optimal value k

- the number of colors you can use.



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