Black status bar on iOS8 startup using UIPageViewController

I am using to scroll between views. Everything is fine, except when I first start the application, there is a black bar where the status bar should be.

Not enough reputation for images, so here's the link

If I touch the screen at all, the navigation bar slides off and everything returns to normal. Fwiw, I'm hiding the navbar and implementing my own custom views while I'm on ios 8.3


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2 answers

I tried to solve this for ~ 10 hours before giving up. I finally figured it out when I was trying to solve another problem and found a method that was worth a shot.

After setting the delegate for the UIPageViewController, just put

pageViewController.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;




Swift 3

In your UIPageViewController subclass, inside the viewDidLoad method :

self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false




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