Streaming video from Android device to PC using libstreaming

I am trying to stream video from Android device to PC using libstreaming library . To connect two devices, I open Hotspot on my Android device and connect my PC to it.

I tried examples 1 and 2 and ran them. In example 2, I am getting a lot of UDP packets in Wireshark. But I cannot open the stream in VLC Player. In example 1, I am not getting anything in Wireshark.

Can anyone tell me what I need to print in VLC to open the stream? I've tried many different things, but I'm not sure if I did it right. For example, I think it should be something like rtsp: // ipofandroiddevice: port


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2 answers

I don't know the libstreaming library, but it looks like it is sending RTP packets to the address.

In this case, you only have to open the: rtp: // @: port on your computer to receive the video. Just be aware of NAT issues if you are streaming from outside the internal network.



The RTSP url posted in your question is missing some parameters, it should be something like

RTSP: // phone_local_ip: 1234 h264 = 200-20-320-240

200 = buf | 20 = fps | 320 = width | 240 = height

The library has a UriParser class, you might need to check it for other possible URL formats.



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