Package nodejs app with global packages

We have a project that needs to be zipped so that we can distribute it to our clients. In the normal node_modules directory, I have no problem. I just put the directory and node.exe together in the project folder and can run our project on any other computer without installing node or running any npm command.

But now I have a phantomjs dependency that needs to be installed as a global package npm install -g phantomjs


How can I package such modules into our project? I first thought about copying phantomjs to the local node_modules directory and setting the NODE_PATH path variable to that directory. He doesn't find phantoms.

Development and client platforms are both windows.


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1 answer

Well, as a rule, you can set global dependencies with a flag --save

both globally and call their type beans ./node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs /*now executes*/

(as an example).

However, this is not so easy with Phantom as it downloads binaries and / or even compiles. You will have three options:

  • ssh to target and only npm install -g phantomjs

    before or define it in manifest, eg. Dockerfile

    exactly the same if you are using containers.
  • Compile it from source as described here .
  • If you are using CLI, then just the approach --save


So I hardly advise you to just make a Docker image out of it and send it as a tarball. Unfortunately, you cannot pin the Phantom installation to the platform.

Also a lot of dependencies like karma-runner-phantomjs

looking for the global dependency path to resolve for use.



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