How to return a Node.js callback

I have a node.js method that is using mongoose to return some data, the problem is that since I am using a callback inside my method, nothing is returned to the client

my code:

var getApps = function(searchParam){
    var appsInCategory = Model.find({ categories: searchParam});
    appsInCategory.exec(function (err, apps) {
        return apps;


If I try to do it synchronously with a json object, for example, it works:

var getApps = function(searchParam){
    var appsInCategory = JSONOBJECT;
    return appsInCategory


What can I do?


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1 answer

You cannot return from a callback - see this canonical information for a fundamental issue . Since you are working with Mongoose, you can return a promise to it:

var getApps = function(searchParam){
    var appsInCategory = Model.find({ categories: searchParam});
    return appsInCategory.exec().then(function (apps) {
        return apps; // can drop the `then` here


What would you do:

    // handle result here




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