Google Play: App ad is for TVs only

I'm trying to publish an Android TV app, but the developer console says "You need to add at least 2 non-Android screenshots". But this apk is for Android TV only, as there is another apk specific for tablets and phones. How do I target Android TV only?

Also, I would like to submit this specific APK for NexusPlayer only and then add other Android TVs as the app has been tested on them and confirmed to be compatible. The problem is that the developer console starts with almos 3000 devices (including tablets and phones) set to be compatible by default and I can only see the manual shutdown function.


The workaround was intended to cover only large and large platforms, which reduced the number of automatically supported devices to 800. However, unwanted devices had to be manually disabled, but with less congestion.

 <supports-screens android:smallScreens="false"
        android:requiresSmallestWidthDp="720" />



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2 answers

Yes, you have to upload screenshots for Android TV and another device, even if it's only for Android TV.

To limit device compatibility, make sure you have the following in your manifest:

<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="true" />

This will restrict it to Android TV devices, and then you can manually restrict it where needed.



For the first part, this sounds like a limitation on the Play Console. Just upload two of the same screenshots you already downloaded and you should be fine.

For the second part, I think you will need to go through all 3000 devices manually. You can also limit the range by specifying that your APK is only x86.



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