Ui-bootstrap 0.13 - How to use tooltip-html inside ng-repeat

trying to switch from tooltip-html-unsafe to tooltip-html because the previous one is deprecated in ui-bootstrap 0.13.0

in this example the content of tooltip-html is exposed in the controller as

<a href="#" tooltip-html="htmlTooltip">Check me out!</a>

$scope.htmlTooltip = $sce.trustAsHtml('I\'ve been made <b>bold</b>!')


is there a correct solution when the content is inside ng-repeat? just switching to tooltip-html throws $ parse error


Actually, I got around it by just adding single quotes, like this:

tooltip-html="'Line 1<br>Line <strong>2</strong>'"


I think when the html is more complex you need to use Shawn's answer below


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1 answer

Use the template-template directive.





<div ng-repeat="fruit in fruits">
    <div tooltip-template="'myTooltipTemplate.html'">TOOLTIP</div>

<script type="text/ng-template" id="myTooltipTemplate.html">
     <b>Fruit</b> : {{fruit}}


plunkr link: http://plnkr.co/edit/yUPl6hCACHKzvCBwrDUf?p=preview



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