Compare stored values ​​in Selenium IDE

I am new to automation testing and Selenium IDE. With Selenium IDE I want to store two values ​​(integer) and compare them. The test passes if the compared result is greater than or equal to zero. So far I have found an option to store values ​​and wondered if there is a way to compare the stored values. Any suggestion would be helpful.



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2 answers

Ok, if you always subtract A (constant value) from B (variable value) you can use some javascript to execute the test.

store | 2 | A
store | 4 | B 
storeEval | var s = false; s = eval((storedVars['B'] - storedVars['A']) >=0); | s
verifyExpression | ${s} 


replace the above two storage steps with what you are using to get the variables A and B.

The verifyExpression line will pass (return true) if the result is greater than or equal to zero, will not (remain false) if not.



store |2| A
store |4| B
storeEval |var s = false; s = eval((storedVars['B'] - storedVars['A']) >=0);| s
echo |${s}|


Executing: |store | 2 | A |
Executing: |store | 4 | B |
Executing: |storeEval | var s = false; s = eval((storedVars['B'] - storedVars['A']) >=0); | s |
script is: var s = false; s = eval((storedVars['B'] - storedVars['A']) >=0);
Executing: |echo | ${s} | |
echo: true
Test case passed 




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