Relational Query Using the Cloud Computing API

I'm trying to fetch data from parse-cloud using parse-rest-api, but I don't know what's going on. I have four classes in parse-cloud

  • Album: A user can be tagged to an album. An administrator can have multiple albums.

  • User: Contains all users including admin.

  • AlbumUsers: Contains all users tagged for the album. Contains albumId, userId.

  • AdminUsers: Contains all users tagged in admin albums.

So now I want all users to be logged into admin who are not logged into the currently open album.

And this is my request for parse-rest-api:

           where: { albumId: { "$inQuery":{where:{createdBy: this.get('session.userId'), objectId : {"$ne" : this.modal('album').id}}},"className":"Album"},status: 'tagged'}})


It keeps sending back error 102: Bad type for%! s (MISSING)


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